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No, concrete is not the same as cement. However, they are frequently mistaken for each other, because they are related closely. Basically, concrete is a combination of various materials that include sand, stone, water, other aggregates, and of course cement. Meanwhile, cement is plain gray powder than turns into a sticky consistency upon mixing with water. Both of these materials are used in the construction. Often the concrete is the primary material, while cement is supplementary and is responsible in keeping things together. People working in this line of business are all too well familiar about the differences of these two materials.
Yes, concrete comes in different kinds. Much like anything else, people have varying needs. Offering a standard and uniform might not work for all. That’s why it is important to offer choices. Often concrete companies in Dallas offer the following: prestressed concrete, precast concrete, glass reinforced concrete, high density concrete, lightweight concrete, and reinforced concrete. On top of all of these, you can always find the ordinary concrete. These different types often vary in workability, durability, strength, and size. If you need assistance in choosing a type of concrete, make sure to seek help from a concrete company near you.
If you are using concrete for any kind of fixture or for any construction, then you definitely need a concrete contractor. There are several concrete contractors in Dallas that you choose from. You see, concrete is quite complex, which is why it’s important to get the assistance of an expert who is knowledgeable and experienced in it. Through this, you get the guarantee of the best outcomes for your project. We strongly discourage our property owners from doing a DIY, especially when they have no experience beforehand. It may end up compromising the overall project that you have been investing on.
Yes, concrete can set in the rain, however, there is a possibility for negative effects. So, if you do not want to risk the quality of your concrete, make sure to check for weather predictions ahead of time. In case rain suddenly start pouring in, you can instead opt to cover the fresh concrete to prevent any unpleasant effects. Fresh concrete exposed to rain at its early stage may lead to its weakening, which might manifest as dusting and scaling. Moreover, the rain can also leave permanent marks on the surface which may look unpleasant. So, make sure to avoid rain.
Yes, you can paint concrete with any color you wish to. It is a common misconception that concrete solely comes in plain gray color. Little do they know that concrete painting is available for all. To ensure of the best results, see to it to use concrete appropriate types of paint. Also, see to it to check the label and follow the indicated instructions. Meanwhile, if you want to get the best and professional-looking results, then see to it to contact a concrete contractor in Dallas. Experience in the field can surely go a long way in the success of the project.
Concrete cracks for various different reasons. It ranges from poor quality to external factors like weather, temperature, and immense impact. One of the most common reasons for concrete cracks here in Dallas is the extreme temperature shift. Since it snows here during the winter, the concrete goes through drastic temperature change as the weather transitions into summer. As this happens, concrete changes in volume, which results to concrete cracks. To avoid getting cracks despite the volume change, then make use of concrete joints. These are very useful in preventing cracks from appearing on the surface, because it gives space for the concrete to crack.
The best curing time for concrete is a week, or basically just seven days. At the end of this period, the concrete has gained the strength it needs to carry the weight of vehicles. Since curing is the process concrete gains strength, the owner would need to allow sufficient time for this to happen. By cutting the curing time short, it can compromise the overall quality of concrete. Moreover, if you are using trucks and heavy equipment on your driveways, make sure to wait for 30 days instead. The concrete will need more strength, which means it needs more curing time.
The concrete sealer provides a layer of protection for the concrete. It protects the concrete from salt and moisture, which may possibly damage it. Through this, the concrete can last even longer. In addition to that, the concrete sealer also helps prevent hairline cracks from appearing and peeling from happening. It only means it’s best if you want to preserve the appearance of your concrete. The best time to apply a concrete sealer is 30 days after pouring concrete. At this point, concrete has dried enough to accommodate concrete sealer. We suggest reapplying concrete sealer at least every 2 to 3 years.
Yes, the weather affects the concrete. Considering that it is often in the outdoors, it is constantly exposed to weather. Like we mentioned earlier, the rain affects the concrete, especially when freshly poured. It can affect not only the appearance, but the quality as well. Aside from that, too much wind can also affect the concrete. Wind can cause rapid hydration, which may compromise the overall quality of concrete. Moreover, temperature can also affect concrete installation. If you are pouring concrete during winter season, make sure to heat the ingredients prior to pouring the concrete to keep it from freezing.
You should choose concrete over asphalt because it tends to be more worth it in the long run. Essentially, asphalt, as compared to concrete is less durable. You might notice that it tends to easily fall apart even after a short period of time. The tendency is to constantly repair it to keep it in its best shape. However, since it is innately of low quality, it will only be a repeating cycle. In the end, it might accumulate higher cost than the upfront cost of concrete. Meanwhile, although concrete is pricier upfront, it lasts long even with minimal maintenance work.
The best proportions for the best quality of concrete follows the rule of 6’s. In fact, most of the concrete companies in Dallas use this rule to produce quality concrete. If you are interested, we will enumerate all the rule of 6’s below. First, it says to use at least 6 bags of cement per every cubic yard of concrete. Second, maintain at least 6% of air content for concrete that goes through winter and summer, like here in Dallas. Next is to use 6 gallons of water at most for each bag of cement. Finally, wait for 6 days before use.
Concrete cracks for different possible reasons. As we discussed earlier, weather, temperature, and immense impact can affect the quality of concrete. While concrete goes through natural volume change, the drastic change in temperature in places like Dallas can further aggravate the effect on the concrete. For example, the shift of concrete from frozen to thawed state can lead to volume change. Often, the volume change results in cracks, despite being minimal. However, it is possible to keep it from happening by maximizing the use of concrete joints. If you are unaware, make sure to consult with your concrete company in Dallas.
It helps to test the concrete as it ensures the quality of concrete. In comparison to other materials and products, concrete is impossible to assess just by looking at it. It has components which cannot be seen by the naked eye. To be sure that the concrete you get is exactly like the description from the hardware, it helps to put concrete into test. Typically, concrete tests look at the temperature, air content, weight, and consistency. Together, these factors can help identify the overall quality of concrete. If you are interested, you will find easily find that there are various concrete tests available.
You can remove stains on your concrete through different methods. Concrete property owners can choose between dry and wet methods. Should you pick dry method, you can choose among the following: planning, flame cleaning, sandblasting, scabbing, and scouring. Additionally, you can also choose to use steel brush. Just make sure that no steel debris is left behind. On the other hand, you can also choose to use wet methods, since concrete is waterproof. If water won’t suffice, feel free to use soap and chemicals, like bleach along with it. We understand that stains are an eyesore, thus here are working solutions.
Concrete is one of the most sought-after construction materials. Over the years, property owners have come to love it because of its ability deliver to its promise of durability and strength. The basic components of concrete include water, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, other additives, and of course cement. Although there are different types of concrete, all these basic components remain the same. If you are looking for a material that can last long, while remaining intact, then concrete would definitely be good choice. Aside from its durability, it is also customizable to fit into specific themes, styles, and even designs.
Concrete is gray because of its primary ingredient, and that is cement. Since cement is powder, it tends to prevail as the color of concrete. Meanwhile, cement gets this gray color from one of its components, that is iron ore. Even when iron ore is black by nature, it turns gray as it mixes with other cement ingredients. Since this gray color is often received coldly by property owners, we decided to offer supplementary services like concrete staining and stamped concrete. These services are best for those property owners who do not prefer the bare color of concrete for their properties.
Yes, the process of drying out allows concrete to gain strength. Basically, the concrete gains strength as moisture dries. But as this happens, new compounds form. This chemical process is called hydration. As it takes place, crystals interlock together, which gives concrete more strength, and in effect makes it more durable. Hydration typically takes place during the first month. But on some instances, it can take longer, especially because it continues to happen due to moisture presence. So long as there is moisture, it will continuously take place. Meanwhile, you can freely stop the hydration manually through a variety of methods.